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Basal Cell Carcinoma Treatment San Jose California

How Common is Basal Cell Carcinoma? There are well over one million residents in San Jose, California at present, which means that there are more than a quarter of a million people in San Jose who will, art some point, develop basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma, these two types of non-melanoma skin cancer […]

Noninvasive Skin Cancer Treatment Riverside California

Squamous and Basal Cell Carcinoma Causes If you are one of the 330,000 or so residents of sunny Riverside, California, then you surely love all the bright, warm days that define this Southern California city. But unfortunately it’s that very same sunshine that will see some 80,000 to 85,000 Riverside residents dealing with non-melanoma skin […]

When to Suggest SRT Therapy Over Mohs Surgery

For decades, Mohs surgery has been considered the “gold standard” for the treatment of basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas, even for cases where cosmetically important features of the face like the eyes, nose, lips, ears, and scalp are the area being treated. As the incidence of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma […]

What is Superficial Radio Therapy? (SRT)

What is Superficial Radio Therapy? Superficial Radio Therapy is the latest non-invasive, non-melanoma skin cancer treatment option. Superficial Radio Therapy is administered with the use of the SRT-100™, our state-of-the-art system inspired by the tried-and-true Superficial Radio Therapy systems that were once the proven gold standard among dermatologists and radiation oncologists. The difference? Our machine […]

Ask Your Doctor About the SRT-100™ to Treat Your Basal Cell Carcinoma

Have you been diagnosed with skin cancer? You are not alone. Skin cancer is one of the most commonly occurring forms of cancer, with more than one in every three new cancers diagnosed as skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma is one type of skin cancer and occurs more frequently than any other form of skin […]

Treat Your Patients’ Basal Cell Carcinoma with the Revolutionary SRT-100™

Any dermatologist knows just how devastating a skin cancer diagnosis can be to his or her patients. Skin cancer is diagnosed nearly three times as often as any other form of cancer, with the most common of all skin cancers being basal cell carcinoma. While patients facing basal cell carcinoma have multiple choices available for […]

Provide Your Patients with an Alternative to Mohs Surgery: The SRT-100™

As a form of treatment for basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, Mohs surgery has lead the forefront of surgery options for decades. You may prefer Mohs surgery rather than other forms of surgery because of its precision due to its microscopic nature. However, there are no procedures without their drawbacks. You can’t put […]

Looking for an Alternative to Mohs Surgery? Look No Further than the SRT-100™

Each year millions of Americans are diagnosed with some form of squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma. Naturally, this forces those affected to seek out forms of treatment to get rid of the cancerous cells, which are located on the outer layer of the skin. One of those types of treatments is Mohs surgery. […]