Successful Keloid Removal in Dallas Texas Is a Challenge for Many Patients
If you are looking for a keloid doctor near me in Dallas, TX chances are good that this is not the first time you have found yourself wondering how to get rid of a keloid. Doctors aren’t quite sure why some people tend to get keloid scars while others don’t, but what keloid doctors and patients alike know is that keloids often grow back after they are treated, making successful permanent keloid removal quite difficult for many patients.
If you look at keloid pictures before and after treatment, you might see marked improvement with the scar reduced or even removed completely. But if that scar grows back then you are right back to square one — and in fact sometimes keloid scars are even larger when they grow back. In order to know what the best treatment for keloid scars is, you first need to know what causes keloids to grow in the first place.
What Causes Keloid Scars to Form?

Keloid scars are benign neoplasms, or growths, formed by an excess of collagen produced by cells called fibroblasts. A normal scar will fill in where skin tissues were damaged, reconnecting and sealing the wound. The collagen in scars is ordered differently than in regular skin, thus the reason they have a different texture and coloring than skin around them. But a normal scar will flatten out and soften in color over time, becoming smaller and less visible. Keloids, on the other hand, grow atop a wound site rather than filling it. They rise four or more millimeters off the skin and are a markedly different color than the surrounding flesh, and keloids will not shrink or change in color over the years. So to get rid of a keloid, you need a keloid specialist who can remove it.
The Best Keloid Doctors in Dallas and the Key to Successful Keloid Treatment

There are many treatment options available for keloid removal, but many can only lead to keloid scar reduction and can’t necessarily reduce the chances of the keloid from growing back after the treatment. Keloid steroid shots can break up collagen and shrink the scar, but they can be painful and can also damage nearby tissue. Cryotherapy for keloids is a decent treatment for smaller keloids but can also be quite uncomfortable.
Doctors tend to have the most success at effective keloid removal when opting for keloid removal surgery followed by Superficial Radio Therapy such as can be provided using an SRT-100 device from Sensus Healthcare. SRT can eliminate the fibroblast cells that produced the collagen forming a keloid scar so your keloid will not grow back. As keloid surgery can have a scar fully removed (as opposed to simply reduced in size) this pairing of treatments is the best option for many Dallas keloid patients.
SRT is essentially pain-free and it is a safe outpatient procedure. When SRT sessions are used in the days immediately following keloid removal surgery, the outcome is a 94% success rate for removing keloids that won’t come back.
Superficial Radio Therapy for Noninvasive Skin Cancer Treatment in Dallas
Many Dallas, TX skin cancer doctors trust Superficial Radio Therapy as the best treatment for non-melanoma skin cancers like squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma because this intervention has a 98% skin cancer cure rate, a number right on par with Mohs surgery for skin cancer treatment, which was for many years the preferred skin cancer treatment.
SRT can eradicate cancerous spots on the skin without damaging nearby tissue and without any of the other health concerns you likely associate with the use of radiation in cancer treatment. The dose of radiation used in SRT is low and focused, so you are safe from side effects and will experience almost no pain during treatment for skin cancer with Superficial Radio Therapy.
Basal Cell Carcinoma Cancer Pictures
Squamous and basal cell carcinoma symptoms present themselves in a variety of ways, so you have to know what to look for when conduction a self examination for skin cancer. Dallas skin cancer doctors should always be consulted immediately if you have any spots of concern on your skin, but in general you should be on the lookout for any of these non-melanoma skin cancer symptoms:
- Waxy, yellowed, and flaky patches of skin
- Raised bumps that are shiny and reddish, pink, or flesh toned
- An open sore without clear cause and that won’t heal
- Irregular moles with varied color and shape