Evidence-Based Guidelines Issued by ASTRO Support Sensus Healthcare’s SRT Technology as the First-Line Alternative to Surgery for Treating Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer

Influential professional organization recommends radiotherapy as the primary non-surgical alternative for patients with basal cell or cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas BOCA RATON, Fla, July 14, 2020 — Sensus Healthcare, Inc. (Nasdaq: SRTS), a medical device company specializing in highly effective, non-invasive treatments for both oncological and non-oncological conditions, and the leading provider of superficial radiotherapy […]

Sensus Healthcare to Present at COVID-19 Webinar Hosted by Maxim Group on July 16th

BOCA RATON, Fla., July 13, 2020 — Sensus Healthcare, Inc. (Nasdaq: SRTS), a medical device company specializing in highly effective, non-invasive treatments for both oncological and non-oncological conditions, announced today that Joe Sardano, Sensus’ chief executive officer has been invited to present at the Re-Engaging Medical Practices in an Era of COVID-19 webinar, presented by […]

Sensus Healthcare to Present at COVID-19 Webinar Hosted by Maxim Group on July 16th

BOCA RATON, Fla., July 13, 2020 — Sensus Healthcare, Inc. (Nasdaq: SRTS), a medical device company specializing in highly effective, non-invasive treatments for both oncological and non-oncological conditions, announced today that Joe Sardano, Sensus’ chief executive officer has been invited to present at the Re-Engaging Medical Practices in an Era of COVID-19 webinar, presented by […]

Sensus Healthcare to Present at COVID-19 Webinar Hosted by Maxim Group on July 16th

BOCA RATON, Fla., July 13, 2020 — Sensus Healthcare, Inc. (Nasdaq: SRTS), a medical device company specializing in highly effective, non-invasive treatments for both oncological and non-oncological conditions, announced today that Joe Sardano, Sensus’ chief executive officer has been invited to present at the Re-Engaging Medical Practices in an Era of COVID-19 webinar, presented by […]